
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's TWINS!!

We proudly announce the birth of two sweet baby goats! A male and a female. They were born today...I was headed out to the barn around 4:30pm. About halfway to the barn, I heard a "new voice." I ran to the pasture and saw one little black goat standing next to Kisney (the dame). At this point, I bust through the gate, ran up to the crew and saw another little one on the other side of the mother. What a sweet surprise! What is even more surprising is that they are mostly black with white patches. Both the buck and the dame are mostly white with black, so this was a super-duper surprise! The female baby will be named Patch and the male will be named Oreo. Patch is really small, so we'll just hope and pray that they do okay in this first 24 hours. They've had milk, but not much....They are literally hours old as I post this. I would say they were born around 4:00 or 4:15 pm. Kisney is really worn out, too...more so than when she had her first (just one). I guess twins can really wear a mom out!

This is Patch.

This is Oreo.
We just came in from checking on's 8:35pm...and babies and Mom are doing well.

I'm not the only one...

I have this thing that I do....I worry too much about the way I come across to people...about how I say things - even worrying about what people think of me. I have lost many nights sleep worrying. I pray and pray trying to get peace when this happens. It does eventually come, but I am left weary and somewhat defeated. Satan loves that, doesnt' he? That is exactly what he wants me to feel. This type of worry is also quite selfish...what about ME? What did I do to them? Why don't they like ME? I continue to pray that the Lord strengthens me and gives me wisdom, healing my selfish attitude.

There are so many wonderful resources to encourage us as we seek wisdom. First, and most important, the Bible. There are also great books and articles written by godly men and women to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ. I came across this article this morning and I HAD to link it to my blog. Surely I'm not the only one that struggles with morbid introspection from time to time. Here is the link to the article by Nancy Wilson.

Monday, September 08, 2008

What about Queen Esther?

This post is continued from the previous one after much more thought.

God's purpose for each of us is unique. God chose women throughout history to make huge changes in the world and do His will. Queen Esther and Deborah (a judge) just to name two of many. He also called women in the bible to do things that would go against everything they were taught in that day. Ruth went to Boaz in a forward way - totally out of place in that time of society. There are so many more ways that God has used women to "get the job done."

Francine Rivers is my all time favorite Christian author. She has a series of books about women of the bible that were in the lineage of Christ. These books are good reads and scripture based. My point is that if God calls a woman to run for vice president, she should do just as he commands. If God calls a woman to be a helpmate to her husband and to stay at home and homeschool her children, then she should obey.

Friday, September 05, 2008


After watching the RNC, I am more comfy casting my vote for McCain-Palin. I just want to say a couple of things....

As we watch the campaigns of our nominees begin, I think of the many doors that will be opened for women when McCain and Palin are elected. My views on womanhood have changed so much in the past year. While I am pleased with the vice presidential nominee, I only wonder the impact that will have on my daughters. Over the past year, I have learned what the bible teaches about womanhood...God's design for women, for mothers....biblical womanhood. If I were president...don't laugh....who would mother my children? Not just care for them...I am sure we could hire very capable and loving nannies, but who would mother them? God teaches us specifically on what a wife and mother should be and how that fits into His plan for us. Yes, I know that God's plans are different for each of us...just something to think about.

At the risk of sounding a teenie weenie bit contractictory to the above thought, I do applaud the success of Sarah Palin and plan to vote for Senator McCain and Gov Palin. I applaud their views on issues, their determination, their experience. I feel that the McCain-Palin ticket is best choice for our country and I will continue to pray for our country, and for our current and future leadership.